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March 03, 2020 2 min read

The Final Fantasy 14 community is lovingly known as one of the most positive and wholesome in all of gaming. People are helpful and supportive and new players are often greeted with enthusiasm and warm reception. So really, it's no surprise that we want to celebrate the creative fans who share their works with the rest of us.

Get ready for a quick run through of who YOU should be following on Instagram if you need more pretty FFXIV in your feed - and you do.

10. Yaz.ffxiv

Stunning eye for color and action shots that tell a story of an awesome character! Yaz looks dangerous af.


9. Laniviae

Super talented cosplayer - also promotes crossplay! We love the breadth and character choices! That Temari tho <3


8. Rysa.ria

Excellent angles and power couple shots! This is such a fun collection - FFXIV is for lovers! <3 Shout out to her mans too @rikukenshin

Rysa.ria sample


7. Arlandria.ffxiv

This gallery screams attitude and fashion and we are all ears! We wish we were this cool -_- Super cuuuuute. Pretty birb too!



6. Jessi_farron

Ok, we are in love with this fan collection. Check it out! Jessi has an etsy store! Peep the merch!
[[reminder] avoid etsy ads as they charge the artists! BOOOOO]

jessi_farron sample


5. Suiika

We weren't ready. This art is so amazing. O.O; want.. want. wantwantwantwantwantwant! We hope commisions will open again! Check out the gumroad shop in profile!

Suiika sample


4. Hikkida

Sass, class, bad-ass. Such a fun gallery! Hikkida really shows off taste and style in this enchanting collection. Makes videos too!

Hikkida sample


3. Yukino_ff14

Not gunna lie, we may steal a few of Yikino's outfits cuz gawdaaaaamn. A lot of love went into this and it shows. So good. The Ufriti pics looooool

Yukino_ff14 sample


2. ffxiv.anna

Nope. Must resist posting more. This gallery is %$&@*$# gorgeous. Such sultry style... the filters and angles put this at high fashion for us. A must follow. <3

ffxiv.anna sample



Total cutie with couple shots and a beautiful cat in the mix? We can learn a lot about posing and lighting from this gallery. So pretty -_-; It really captures so much fun and that's the spirit of FFXIV. Excellent.

venux.ffxiv sample


S RANK Hunt Surprise! -- Sunbeasts

Sunbeasts is the amazing and super cool artist that drew up our Y'shtola Drowning Wench design! If you're looking for commissions, look no further! Awesome people and a suuuuper cute esty shop if you're into MHA - which you should be! Hi Bun! /hug


We encourage you to follow all of these artists and keep the community positive and welcoming! A few of these accounts have their own shops and you should support them! Surprise someone you love with a gift made by someone in the community and support small business!

You're all amazing and we're lucky to have you contributing to the Instagram art. Keep up the excellent work!


And if you like, follow us on Instagram! We took a small break to build the store but we're coming back to IG uwu



<3 Fenix (Malboro)